• 9:00 AM Sunday School for all ages

  • 10:15 AM Worship

Nursery available for infant through 3 year olds from 9:00 AM until 11:30. Children begin worship in the sanctuary and are dismissed to children’s church before the sermon.

Worship is at the heart of Christian community. In worship we are reminded of who we are and whose we are. As we sing the hymns of faith, recite the ancient creeds, participate in the sacraments of baptism and commune around the table sharing the bread and cup we hear the word read, preached, and proclaimed and encounter the Holy. In this experience, life’s purpose is clarified and we discover the meaning and fulfillment God intended for all.

At Bethlehem United Methodist Church worship is central to the health and vitality of the life we share in covenant community. As such, worship involves the entire faith community and allows opportunities for individuals to utilize their gifts in helping lead various components of worship. Those opportunities include but are not limited to the following:

Communion Servers

Individuals and/or couples are welcome to assist in serving the sacrament on Holy Communion in the worship setting. Individuals receive appropriate instruction and are called upon days prior to the worship service as to their availability.

Communion Stewards

On a monthly basis these individuals prepare the table for the sacrament of Holy Communion. This consists of seeing that the bread and cup are prepared prior to the service and placed appropriately. Individuals receive training and are placed on a rotating schedule. For more information contact the pastor.

Funeral Assistants

Under the direction of our Funeral Coordinator, Melody Green, these individuals offer their assistance in insuring that every detail is tended to during a very difficult time. Parking, ushering and greeting are only a few of the areas in which to serve. Funeral Coordinator, Melody Green.


With proper training, adults serve as liturgist in not only our weekly worship services but special services throughout the year. Their primary responsibilities include reading the scripture(s) and leading special prayers. Training is available and encouraged.

Sound Operators

Training is provided for individuals led to this ministry. After the completion of their training individuals are placed on a rotating schedule to set up, operate, and execute audio needs for our weekly worship services or special worship services including weddings or funerals. For more information contact Ron Whitler at 615-794-6721 or e-mail him at rwhitler@bethlehemumc.com.


Both men and women are encouraged to serve as part of our usher ministry. Individuals can be scheduled on a monthly basis or called about once every 2-3 months to serve. For more information, contact the church office.

Wedding Coordinator

In concert with our pastors, these individuals work with couples scheduled to be married at Bethlehem United Methodist Church, assisting them and tending to details both at the rehearsal and the day of the wedding. Wedding Coordinators meet with the bride weeks prior to the wedding day, gather information about the wedding party, and the flow of the service itself, answer questions the bride or others may have about the wedding guidelines for Bethlehem Church, and help make this special day all it can become. Coordinators are expected to be present for both the rehearsal and for several hours the day of the wedding both prior and after the service.


