Important Upcoming Events - September 6, 2024

Rediscovering Our Roots Study in September

During Sundays in the month of September, join the United Methodist Study led by Rev. Terry Carty in the Banquet Hall at 9:30 a.m. each week.  The discussion topic will be the same as the sermon title each week.  If you’re not part of a regular Sunday School class please consider being a part of this.  If you’re part of a Sunday School class or if the entire class wants to join, please feel free to join.  Everyone is invited to join the group.  Here’s the dates and discussion topics:

September 8 — Sacraments

September 15 — Grace

September 22 — Holiness

September 29 — Holy Conferencing

Contact Rev. Terry Carty for more info (


New Song for 10:45 Service Sunday

We will be singing a new song this Sunday in the 10:45 service, “In the River.”  Click on this link to listen to the song prior to the service:


Prayer Warriors Next Meeting September 17 at 2:00 p.m.

Bethlehem has a group of Prayer Warriors that meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.  If you have a prayer request you would like this group to lift in prayer, please contact either Betty Swilley ( or Pat Smith (  Everyone is invited on Tuesday, September 17.


Handbells and Choir Rehearsals

The Bethlehem Bells and Chancel Choir rehearse on Wednesdays.  The Handbells meet in Room CLC-202 (by the elevator) at 6:00 p.m. and the choir in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m.  Please come out and join us!  For more information, contact Joe Smyth (


Cub Scout Pack 298

All boys and girls in grades Kindergarten to 5th grade are invited to join Cub Scout Pack 298 that Bethlehem sponsors.  First Scout meeting is Monday, September 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the Banquet Hall.  Contact Pack Family Coordinator, Melissa Powers, at for more info.


Flowers Needed for September 29

Flowers are needed for the September 29 Worship Services.  Arrangements are $50.00 each and can be taken home after the end of the 10:45 worship service.  Flowers can also be reserved using the Sign-Up Genius link from the church website ( and select the Sunday/Sundays you want or you may contact Dana Smyth ( or 615-794-6721). 


Worship Help Needed

Each week we need several people to help lead our worship services by being Greeters/Ushers or Liturgists.  There’s a sign-up sheet in each adult Sunday School class folder and at the Welcome Desk in the Narthex.  Contact Dana Smyth ( or 615-794-6721) if you have questions or need more info.


School Supplies Needed for Operation Christmas Child

We are collecting school supplies for Operation Christmas Child.  Bethlehem kids will be making school kits between now and November.  Please help them out by watching for good deals and bringing in school supplies (all items welcome except liquid glue).


Artists Among Us

We will celebrate the artists among us featuring Bethlehem’s many talented artists on Sunday, November 10 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Old Sanctuary.  Some art will be for sale with 10% of the proceeds to benefit Love on Wheels.  Some art may be for display only.  The purpose of this art show is to feature artist talent at BUMC and to get to know Bethlehem’s members better and encourage outside visitors to visit the church.  If you are interested in participating, contact Margo Woodruff ( by October 6.


Updated Safety & Security Measures

In an effort to provide safety for the church staff, preschool and Chesterton Academy of the Incarnation, all exterior doors will be locked during the week.  If you arrive at church and the door by the Sanctuary is locked, please ring the doorbell or call the church (615-794-6721) for assistance.


Save the Date for These Important Events

September 8 — Monthly Mission – Rice and Beans

September 15 — Third Graders Receive Bibles and Bible Lunch & Learn.  Please RSVP to April Jackson by September 8

October 6 — One Worship Service at 9:30 a.m.  Sunday School at 10:30 a.m.

October 12 – Blessing of the Animals

October 20 – Youth Chili Cook-off

October 20 – Pack Rice and Beans

October 26 — Trunk ‘R Treat

November 10 – Celebrate the Artists Among Us


Along The Way (September 6 - 12, 2024)


Bethlehem News - September 6, 2024