Weekly Greeting - August 9, 2024

Greetings friends,

Can you imagine starting back to school as a child and not having the supplies you need?  Fortunately, thanks to your generosity and the generosity of other churches and organizations, the children of our community will all have the things they need to start the year off right.

On July 28, the friends and members of Bethlehem packed 373 backpacks for students who otherwise might not have needed supplies for school.  This past Sunday we blessed those backpacks and the backpacks of the students and teachers and other school personnel who attend Bethlehem.  Our communion offering also went to offset the costs of the backpacks.

I feel truly honored to be a pastor of a church with such a big heart. Thank you for all you do in reaching out to others and supporting one another as we seek to live as the followers of Jesus and to make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.  This is a great time to be part of the Bethlehem family!





We continue our Created for Connection worship series this week.  Dr. Vivek Murthy, the Surgeon General of the United States says that “loneliness and isolation represent profound threats to our health and well-being.”  We are blessed to have the opportunity to worship together and to serve God together.  Last week in worship we focused on the importance of unity and our connection among other Christians.  This week we will focus on our connection with God as we explore John 15:1-12 and the words of Jesus.  Invite a friend to join us in person or on-line as we worship God together and seek to encourage one another in the faith.


Abiding in Christ — August 11, 2024


Along The Way (August 9 - 15, 2024)