Weekly Greeting - June 7, 2024

Dear Bethlehem,

Every third Friday in July for almost fifty years, Bethlehem has held a Fish Fry for the Williamson County community and beyond. Dozens of church members and friends of the church volunteer to prepare and serve some of the best catfish and fixins’ around.  There are also many great games and activities for the children and toe-tapping Bluegrass and other music groups who provide entertainment for all ages. 

While the Fish Fry began during the days Rev. Edd Templeton served as pastor to raise funds to build a parsonage, it has developed into an incredible community event that enables the congregation to throw open the doors of the church to all our community and friends.

Down through the years, profits from the Fish Fry have enabled us to support the missions of the church and programs in our community and world.  Organizations we have helped support include:

Love on Wheels

Church Mission Trips

Feed America First

Kathy’s Backpacks

Room in the Inn

Project Transformation

Nurses for Newborns

Each year, thousands of people come out to eat, play games, listen to the music and enjoy the hospitality of the congregation as they fellowship with their neighbors.  We also have a great Silent Auction, Book Sale and Bake Sale.

Let’s make this year’s Fish Fry especially memorable as we begin to plan for our 50th anniversary next year!

God bless!



This week we continue our “On Purpose” worship series as we explore the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount.  Our text is Matthew 5:13-16.  Jesus refers to those who hear him and do what he says as the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world.”  Come join us as we explore some of the ways we are making an effort to live as the disciples of Jesus as a congregation and part of the body of Christ.


Adding Flavor, Shining the Light — June 9, 2024


Along The Way (June 7 - 13, 2024)