Weekly Greeting - February 23, 2024
Dear Bethlehem Family,
Many of us start our day with a “to do” list. It can truly be satisfying to cross off chores that we have completed or tasks that we have accomplished.
However, if we only focus on things we do and not on the people we are becoming, we can lose our sense of what life is really all about.
Do you know anyone who keeps a “to be” list?
I have never kept one, but it would not be a bad idea. Who we are is certainly as important as what we do.
I am grateful that the United Methodist Church encourages pastors to take continuing education leave each year and one month of renewal leave every quadrennium in order to be the best pastors we can be.
Paragraph 351 of the Book of Discipline says:
Throughout their careers, clergy shall engage in continuing education for ministry, professional development, and spiritual formation and growth in order to lead the church in fulfilling the mission of making disciples for Jesus Christ. This shall include carefully developed personal programs of study augmented periodically by involvement and organized, educational, and spiritual growth activities.
A clergy member’s continuing education and spiritual book growth program should include such leaves at least one week each year, and at least one month during one year of every quadrennium. Such leaves shall not be considered as part of the ministers vacations and shall be planned in consultation with their charges, or other agencies, to which they are appointed as well as the bishop, district superintendent, and annual conference continuing education committee.
I will begin a month long renewal, leave beginning in April. The first week of the leave, I will attend a program at Duke Divinity School, focusing on preaching and leadership. I will end the renewal leave by attending General Conference in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I am grateful for the SPRC allowing me this time away and the support of our Church Council and District Superintendent so that I can focus on becoming a better and more effective pastor and follower of Jesus.
As we continue our Lenten worship series based on the famous Charles Wesley hymn, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling, our focus this Sunday will be on the stanza, “Visit us with thy salvation” in light of the Biblical principle of finding our lives by losing them. Our text is Mark 8:31-38.
Come to worship ready to be challenged and expecting to be blessed!