Important Upcoming Events - May 10, 2024

New Song for Sunday’s Worship Service

Please listen to this new song that you will hear this Sunday at the 10:45 service.


Monthly Mission — May 12 — Peanut Butter & Jelly

Bethlehem’s next monthly mission will be Sunday, May 12 when you are asked to bring gifts of peanut butter and jelly to the altar.  These food gifts will be shared with Feed America First to help those who are food insecure.


General Conference Review — May 12

On Sunday, May 12 at 9:30 am, Bethlehem adults and youth are invited to the Banquet Hall for an update on General Conference.  We will also have time for conversation about where we see God at work at BUMC.  Jim Allen (Lay Delegate to General Conference) will share his experience.  Neill Little (Lay Leader), Bo Turner (SPRC chair), Steve Brugman (Council of Stewards Chair) and Rebecca Little (TWK Conference Representative) will help facilitate the sharing of ideas.  Coffee and light snacks will be available.  Hope you can join us.


Robirohi Bluegrass Band — May 16

On Thursday, May 16 at 7:00 p.m. Bethlehem will host the Bluegrass Band, Robirohi, in the Sanctuary for a free concert.  Robirohi is a 5-member band from Tallinn (Estonia) which plays bluegrass music on acoustic stringed instruments. Bluegrass music does not feel strange in the Estonian cultural space because this branch of country music mixed with the music of different American settlers.  Europeans who emigrated to America brought their own traditional music (Irish, Scottish, English, Netherlandish, German, Swedish, etc.) with them – the  style is called "old-timey" – which has blended together with black music like blues, gospel and spirituals.  For more info on the band, please visit their website: – be sure to scroll down to the info in English.


Fish Fry Meeting

There will be a meeting on Sunday May 26 immediately following the 9:30 a.m. worship service for last year’s Fish Fry work area chairs.  Everyone is invited to attend this meeting in the Old Sanctuary as planning for the 2024 Fish Fry is completed.


Flowers Needed for Worship Services

Flowers are needed for the May 26, June 9, 16, 23 & 30 Worship Services.  Contact Dana Smyth ( to sign up or sign-up from the church’s website:  Cost of arrangements are $50.00 each and can be taken home following the end of the 10:45 worship service.


Fish Fry Silent Auction Help Needed

The Fish Fry Silent Auction annually brings close to $20,000 to support our missions.  This amount is only achieved through donors just like you.  Wondering how you can help?  Donate gift cards or ask local businesses that you frequent or even friends to do so, donate event tickets (a great option if you have season tickets), donate activities such as golf outings or even condo or cabin rentals, or donate a basket you create or perhaps a fun gift you find on vacation this year.  Donations can be dropped off in the church office any time and details and questions can be sent to


Prayer Warriors

Bethlehem has a group of Prayer Warriors that meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary to pray for all those on the church’s prayer list and other requests.  If you have a prayer request you would like this group to lift in prayer, please contact either Betty Swilley ( or Pat Smith (  Everyone is invited to join the group to pray.  Next meeting will be on May 21.


Project Transformation

In the second chapter of John, Jesus is preparing to transform water into wine and he asks the servants to fill the large jars with water.  He could have changed the air into water - or just made the wine appear, but Jesus chose instead to let them help in his first miracle.  The Scriptures tell us that they filled the jars “to the brim.” 

This summer, we have the opportunity to assist Jesus in another kind of transformation.  Project Transformation helps the local church, college-aged interns and children work together for the growth of all three.  This year our week for reading volunteers is June 24 - 27 at Antioch UMC.  Intern meals will be lunch one day between May 27 - 29 and dinner one night during our reading week.   You can help with these things or bring healthy snacks to the tote in the narthex, donate for books to be distributed to the children, and pray for the PT children.  Readers need to be at least 13 years old. 

If you have questions about the program, contact Rebecca Little at  We are looking forward to being a part of God’s work this summer.


Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2024

Summer will be here before we know it!  There are just a few weeks left to register for VBS . . . invite friends and register today!  This is a FREE camp, but we ask that ALL children be registered by May 22, the deadline using this link: (  You won't want to miss this week of Faith and Fun, June 10-14, 9 to noon each day.  We're going to have a splash at Scuba VBS 2024!   For more info, please contact April Jackson (  Also, we'd love to borrow any scuba equipment, fish tanks, lobster traps, etc. that you may have, to use as decoration.  Youth (entering 7th grade and older) and adults are encouraged to register as volunteers. Let's make sure that all kids are able to attend by having a great turnout of volunteers!  


Updated Safety & Security Measures

In an effort to provide safety for the church staff, preschool and Chesterton Academy of the Incarnation, all exterior doors will be locked during the week.  If you arrive at church and the door by the Sanctuary is locked, please ring the doorbell or call the church (615-794-6721) for assistance.


Save the Date for These Important Events

May 21 — Prayer Warriors meet at 2:00 p.m. in Sanctuary

May 27 — Church Closed for Memorial Day

June 10 - 14 — Vacation Bible School 9:00 a.m. to noon each day

June 17 - 19 — Annual Conference in Murfreesboro

June 24 - 27 — Project Transformation Week

July 4 — Church Closed for Independence Day

July 19 — Fish Fry

July 28 — Pack Backpacks at 10:30 a.m. in the Gym


Along The Way (May 10 - 16, 2024)


Bethlehem News - May 10, 2024