Bethlehem News - March 7, 2025
Click below to read updates from various ministries at Bethlehem United Methodist Church
We are worshipping in person together this Sunday at 10:15 a.m. Sunday School will be at 9:00 a.m. for all ages.
This week's worship service will be live streamed and recorded on our church website and on Facebook. Currently the worship bulletin is available on the website by clicking on the All Media tab, then the Media tab and then the Bulletin and Announcements tab.
The 2025 flower sign-up sheets are in the Church Office. Arrangements are $50.00 each and can be taken home after the end of the 10:15 worship service. Flowers can also be reserved using this Sign-Up Genius link ( and select the Sunday/Sundays you want or you may contact Dana Smyth 615-794-6721.
You may give online by going to the church website. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Ron Whitler.
Please contact April Jackson, Director of Children's Ministries ( for more info on any of these children's activities.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
TRUE NORTH VBS 2025 REGISTRATION IS OPEN!! June 9 - 13 from 9:00 to noon each day. Get ready for the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that Jesus is a faithful friend that we can always trust. He’s our True North! Register your kids today or sign up to volunteer as a leader or helper: Free to kids ages 4 by 8/1/25 (and potty-trained) thru completing 5th grade. Registration will be limited to ensure the safety of all.
Acolytes Needed for Sunday Worship
We are looking at the calendar for the new church year. Last year, we had a nearly full calendar with at least one of our Acolytes serving every Sunday! That is amazing! Let's continue strong and fill up the months of February and March. Let April Jackson know when your Acolyte would like to serve!
Children’s Church
Please make sure that you use the Sign Up sheets in the Narthex to register your children. If possible, please sign them in before the service begins. Children's church is offered each week.
Worship Bags
Worship bags are on the hooks in the hallway across from Pastor Craig’s office. Keep us in mind if you get tired of your Rubik's cubes or other quiet gadgets and want to donate new or lightly used items.
Nursery Available
Nursery is available for children 3 and under, every Sunday morning from 8:45 a.m. until the end of the 10:15 worship service.
Please contact Alison Bocking ( for more info on any of these youth activities:
Friends and guests between 6th and 12th grade are always welcome at all of our youth events!
Dear Parents and Youth,
Peace to you this first week of Lent. We know everyone is looking forward to Spring Break, more daylight and hopefully warmer temps next week! Youth group will not meet over Spring Break. We will gather together for a lunch outing following worship on March 16. Sunday school will continue on Sunday morning as we wrap up our series on Everybody Always by Bob Goff.
Click here to sign up ( for our summer mission trip to Hinton Rural Life Center, June 22-27.
The Season of Lent
Merciful God, you called us forth from the dust of the earth; you claimed us for Christ in the waters of baptism. Look upon us as we enter these Forty Days bearing the mark of ashes, and bless the journey through the desert of Lent to the font of rebirth. As we remember our mortality and seek penitence today, we know you to be a God who is rich in forgiveness and abounding in steadfast love, love that culminates in eternal life with you. Guide our steps this Lent, so that we might find greater fulfillment in your promises and better serve others with a heart that’s reflective of you. Amen.
As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Alison Bocking+
Director of Youth Ministries
Upcoming Events
Looking ahead:
• March 9 – Sunday School: 9:00 a.m., NO Youth Group
• March 16 – Sunday School & Confirmation: 9:00 a.m., Lunch Outing:11:30 a.m. (No Youth Group)
• March 23 – Sunday School: 9:00 a.m., Youth Group: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
• March 30 – Sunday School: 9:00 a.m., Confirmation Lunch & Learn: 11:30 a.m., Youth Group: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Click here to view and subscribe to our new and improved Google Youth Calendar!
iPhone Users: Click here to subscribe to our Youth Calendar
Click here to join the Youth Parent's group chat on the GroupMe app.
Click here to pick a Calendly date
Do you have a soccer game, orchestra performance, community play you'd like Alison to attend? Or maybe a family game night? Dinner outing? Parent chat over coffee? Please sign up for a date and time. If the time exceeds one hour, please select an additional block of time.
Monthly Mission
The next monthly mission will be THIS Sunday, March 9, when we will collect beans and rice. Please plan to bring your beans and rice to the altar during the singing of the first hymn/song to share with those less fortunate. All items collected will be given to Feed America First.
Room in the Inn Needs YOU
During these cold winter months, it’s important that we remember those who are less fortunate than us and help with Room in the Inn. Bethlehem partners with Room in the Inn (RITI) to host 10 homeless men every Saturday night until the end of March. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, sign-up sheets are in the Narthex and Gathering Space or by using this Sign-Up Genius link: If you have any questions or need more info, please contact Mike Loring ( or 615-596-0985).
Issues of the March/April Upper Room are in the black mailbox just outside the Sanctuary doors and on the tables in the Narthex. Contact Dana Smyth if you have questions or need more info.
If you’re moving through a particularly difficult place in life perhaps a Stephen Minister could help. We currently have Stephen Ministers available to help you through a difficult journey. Please contact Pat Smith ( or 615-794-6721) for more info.
If you have surgery planned or are ever in the hospital unexpectedly, please let the church know. You can email Dana Smyth or call the church office (615-794-6721). She will forward the information to the staff.