Bethlehem News - March 15, 2024
Click below to read updates from various ministries at Bethlehem United Methodist Church
We are worshipping in person together this Sunday at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m.
This week's worship services will be live streamed and recorded on our church website and on Facebook. Currently the worship bulletin is available on the website then by clicking on News tab, then Bulletin and Announcements tab.
The 2024 flower sign-up sheets are in the Church Office. Arrangements are $50.00 each and can be taken home after the end of the 10:45 worship service. Flowers can also be reserved using this Sign-Up Genius link and select the Sunday/Sundays you want or you may contact Dana Smyth 615-794-6721.
You may give online by going to the church website. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Ron Whitler.
Please contact April Jackson, Director of Children's Ministries ( for more info on any of these children's activities:
Easter Egg Hunt — March 30
Join us March 30th for the Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00 a.m. Story Walk, Games & Activities too! All are welcome!
Vacation Bible School
Scuba VBS Kids' Camp 2024 will be limited in size to ensure the safety of all. So, don't wait to register your kids and join us June 10 - 14 from 9:00 a.m. to noon each day. Youth (entering 7th grade and older) and adults are encouraged to register as volunteers. Let's make sure that all kids are able to attend by having a great turnout of volunteers! Here's the link you've been waiting for!
Children’s Church
Please make sure that you use the Sign Up sheets in the Narthex to register your children. If possible, please sign them in before the service begins. Children's church is offered during each service.
Worship Bags
Worship bags are on the hooks in the hallway across from Pastor Craig’s office. Keep us in mind if you get tired of your Rubik's cubes or other quiet gadgets and want to donate new or lightly used items.
Nursery Available
Nursery is available for children 3 and under, on Sunday mornings from 8:10 a.m. through the end of the 10:45 service.
Please contact Alison Bocking ( for more info on any of these youth activities:
Friends and guests between 6th and 12th grade are always welcome at all of our youth events!
Dear Parents and Youth,
Happy Spring Break! Sunday school and youth group resume on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17! We’ll have outdoor games, supper and prayer stations. Don’t forget that we are serving at Second Harvest on Saturday, March 23 from 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. We have 13 spots to fill for youth families. Please join us. Click here to RSVP:
We are making plans for our summer mission trip to Hinton Rural Life Center in Hayesville, North Carolina and we need help choosing the BEST date for our group: If you haven’t chosen a date, please do. We are encouraging families to attend and serve alongside one another. Individuals are welcome too! Please note that choosing a date doesn’t lock in a commitment to attend but will help us choose a date to garner the most participation. Our week will wrap up with tubing on the Chattahoochee River. Click here to see a typical day:
You can learn more about Hinton Rural Life Center:
God, thank you for Spring and the hope of warmer, longer, brighter days. Thank you for the coming of growth and life and birth. Thank you that things are coming awake in the world and the promise of hope. Amen.
Please mark your calendars for our Youth Ministry Parents Meeting on March 24 at 5:00 p.m.
As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Alison Bocking+
Director of Youth Ministries
This Month:
• March 17: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School; 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Youth Group
• March 23: Serve at Second Harvest, 9;00 - 11:30 a.m. (leave BUMC at 8:30 a.m.)
• March 24: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School; Family Night at Youth Group: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
• March 31: Easter Sunday
Super Important Links:
Youth Calendar
Click here to view and subscribe to our new and improved Google Youth Calendar!
iPhone Users: Click here to subscribe to our Youth Calendar
Click here to join the Youth Parent's group chat on the GroupMe app.
Monthly Mission
The next monthly mission will be April 14 when we will collectpasta an. pasta sauce. Please plan to bring your pasta and pasta sauce to the altar during the singing of the first hymn/song to share with those less fortunate. All items collected will be given to Feed America First.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels has experienced an increased demand for persons needing meals. If you can spare a couple of hours once a month to help deliver meals, please contact Brenda Wilhoite (615-473-5217) for more info.
Issues of the March/April Upper Room are now available in the Narthex and the black mailbox just outside the Sanctuary doors. Contact Dana Smyth if you have questions or need more info.
If you’re moving through a particularly difficult place in life perhaps a Stephen Minister could help. We currently have Stephen Ministers available to help you through a difficult journey. Please email Pastor Craig Goff or Pat Smith or call them at 615-794-6721.
If you have surgery planned or are ever in the hospital unexpectedly, please let the church know. You can email Dana Smyth or call the church office (615-794-6721). She will forward the information to the staff.