Important Upcoming Events - August 2, 2024

Two Worship Services Beginning August 4

Beginning Sunday, August 4, we will return to two worship services at 8:15 and 10:45 with Sunday School at 9:30 each week.


Prayer Warriors Next Meeting August 6 at 2:00 p.m.

Bethlehem has a group of Prayer Warriors that meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.  If you have a prayer request you would like this group to lift in prayer, please contact either Betty Swilley ( or Pat Smith (  Everyone is invited on Tuesday, August 6.


Backpack Thank You!

Backpack 2024 is in the Books!

Thank you to everyone who helped with Kathy’s Backpacks this year with your donations as well as hands on help.  Starting with Kim Acree who contacts every school, Dave Speer for handling the shopping, Target Cool Springs for giving us such a great discount on the supplies, the youth for bundling pencils, the children for sorting highlighters, the Thursday set-up crew, everyone who packed & checked on Sunday and ending with those that delivered the backpacks this week! (WHEW!)  We helped 373 students start the year off a little better prepared.  I love this project and again am so thankful for all of your help!          Dana Smyth

Each backpack costs about $25.00 to fill.  You can donate by check or through the church’s website (  Thank you for your help to help cover the cost.  Sunday’s Communion offering will be directed to Kathy’s Backpacks. 


School Supplies Needed for Operation Christmas Child

We are collecting school supplies for Operation Christmas Child.  Bethlehem kids will be making school kits between now and November.  Please help them out by watching for good deals and bringing in school supplies (all items welcome except liquid glue).



Parent’s Night Out — August 23

We're excited to offer a Parent's Night Out for our Bethlehem families on August 23. Mark your calendars and see the poster in the narthex for more info or contact April Jackson (  Please RSVP to April Jackson by August 18,


Silent Auction Items

There are several items in the Gathering Space that did not receive a bid during the Fish Fry.  If you are interested in purchasing one (or more) of these items, please see a church staff member or Jen McQuiston with your best offer for the item.  Also, if you were the winning bidder on an item in the Silent Auction, please pick up and pay for your items(s) ASAP.  Again, see a church staff member or Jen McQuiston regarding the item.


Flowers Needed for September 8 and 15

Flowers are needed for the September 8 & 15 Worship Services.  Arrangements are $50.00 each and can be taken home after the end of the 10:45 worship service.  Flowers can also be reserved using the Sign-Up Genius link from the church website ( and select the Sunday/Sundays you want or you may contact Dana Smyth ( or 615-794-6721). 


Updated Safety & Security Measures

In an effort to provide safety for the church staff, preschool and Chesterton Academy of the Incarnation, all exterior doors will be locked during the week.  If you arrive at church and the door by the Sanctuary is locked, please ring the doorbell or call the church (615-794-6721) for assistance.


Save the Date for These Important Events


August 23 — Parent’s Night Out for Bethlehem Families

September 2 — Church Closed in Observance of Labor Day

September 15 — Third Graders Receive Bibles and Bible Lunch & Learn

October 26 — Trunk ‘R Treat


Along The Way (August 2 - 8, 2024)


Bethlehem News - August 2, 2024