Weekly Greeting - January 24, 2025
Greetings friends,
Church researcher Ryan Burge who is known for having his finger on the pulse of trends related to the percentage of Americans claiming no religious affiliation, often referred to as “Nones,” has announced that the number of those claiming no religious affiliation does not seem to be increasing at the same levels as the prior 30 years. That is the good news.
The news which is not so good is that while men have typically been less active in worship and church programs, so that once the stereotypical “None” was a reasonably, well-educated white male, in more recent days, women, and particularly, young women have been abandoning their faith communities at a rate equal to or higher than men.
In a recent meeting with leaders of our church, Pastor Terry and I discussed the need for more intentionally and formally welcoming and assimilating our guests at Bethlehem. We also recognized the need for church programs for young women and other groups in the church. When the church council meets for the first time soon in 2025, we will discuss plans to be a more welcoming congregation and to help everyone discover new ways to be engaged in the life of our church. We want to be a church that connects people to God and one another!
Please pray for our church council and staff. Our world needs God and we need to be in a meaningful community with others. Bethlehem has so very much to offer our community and world. I am so grateful to be a part of the Bethlehem family and look forward to seeing our plans take shape for a new day and time.
Craig __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Our current worship series, “The Gifts of Faith,” continues this week as we focus on the gift of Scripture. Our text is Luke 4:14-21. Jesus drew from his scriptural heritage as he spoke to those assembled at his hometown synagogue in Nazareth. God had big plans for Jesus. God has big plans for Bethlehem and for each one of us as we follow Jesus and allow him to guide and direct us. We are blessed to be a blessing!