You can make donations by clicking here and following the instructions.

Bethlehem UMC accepts contributions given by Electronic Funds Transfer–EFT. Funds are transferred electronically from a giver’s bank account to the church account. This is a convenient, safe and secure way to allow members to make one time or periodic contributions for Operating Pledges, Debt Reduction or to specify any other type of donation.

Why EFT? EFT provides members the convenience to give at any time or place whether on vacation, traveling on business, or unable to attend church for some reason. Members can also set up recurring gifts directly from their bank account to the church’s bank account on a weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly basis. It is simply a way to facilitate faithful stewardship.

Debit/Credit Card Transactions – Bethlehem United Methodist Church also accepts contributions given through the use of Debit or Credit cards for convenience of members. However, please note the following:

Making an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is less expensive for the church than using a debit/credit card.
We do not endorse going into debt to give to the church, so we ask that credit cards be used responsibly.

We appreciate your faithful support of the church’s programs and ministries.

If you have any questions regarding online giving or would like to schedule assistance getting started, please contact Ron Whitler,



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