Sunday Morning Schedule

9:00 AM - Sunday School

10:15 AM - Worship

Growing as Christians and

Reaching Out To Others Together

2419 Bethlehem Loop Road, Franklin, TN 37069


We seek to be a passionate, serving church to the community and beyond. We are inspired through our worship of Jesus Christ: a home for learning where all are empowered, where children, youth and adults grow spiritually and are in ministry to the community and the world; a sanctuary for all.


  • Though our location may be slightly off the beaten path, Bethlehem has thrived in the same spot since 1848 because of its body of members. Each successive generation has looked to the future, acting as servants to determine how to best minister to the community. Today, we are direct beneficiaries of the selfless giving and vision of our predecessors at BUMC. We are blessed with a committed and gifted congregation, devoted staff members, abundant ministries, excellent preschool program, modern family life facility and the same commitment of those original trustees of 1848 . . . a commitment to the future.

  • Our welcoming team is dedicated to a ministry of hospitality. Each Sunday, they greet guests and help by answering questions and giving directions to activities and classrooms. During services our guests are invited to sign in, but are not singled out during the service. Each guest is invited to receive a special gift as they leave

  • We affirm the presence of children in worship. During each Sunday Service, children are called to the front of the sanctuary for a children’s message, then those who desire may leave the service to attend children’s church, a program for children age 3 years through second grade. During the singing of the last hymn in worship, the children’s church teacher escorts the children back to the sanctuary to re-join their parents.

  • Yes, a nursery is provided in the children’s wing for infants through two year olds. The nursery is open for all Sunday morning activities, and as needed for other church events.

  • On Sunday morning speak with one of the pastors, an usher or call the church office at 615-794-6721 during the week. You may also join on any Sunday by coming down front during the Hymn/Song of Response.

  • Yes- the United Methodist Communion table is an “open table” for all those who desire to lead a Christian life, regardless of age or church affiliation. Holy Communion is held on the first Sunday of every month and other special occasions throughout the church year.

  • The United Methodist Church is a worldwide Christian denomination of more than twelve million members. We believe in: putting faith and love into action; taking an active stance in society; that Christian faith is grounded in the love and grace of God, experienced through Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit; and that the mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We are all individuals, sharing a faith in Jesus Christ, but encouraged to think for ourselves so we don’t necessarily share the same opinions about every faith issue or social concern. For more about the social principles and mission activities of the United Methodist Church, visit the United Methodist Church site.

  • Yes. Under the direction of the youth ministry team, youth (sixth through twelfth grade) have regular weekly fellowship, summer mission trips, youth choir, Bible Study groups and more. For more information, visit the youth web page.

    Click Here to Visit Youth Page

  • Bethlehem has a fully licensed, highly accredited Parents Day Out and pre-school program. Members and non-members are welcome. Contact the preschool program director through the church office for more information.

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